With kind permission
I'm happy to present bird sound recordings by the Dutch birder Leo Boon
on this page! Especially the voices of seabirds which is very useful if
you are visiting breeding sites at night on Madeira, Desertas and Porto
Santo. However, as you can see we lack sounds of Bulwer's Petrel, Madeiran
Storm-petrel, Little Shearwater and Berthelot's Pipit, so any one reading
this and who possesses recordings of these four species are very welcome
to contact the web editor.
The sound format is AIF, which work fine with many media
players, such as Quicktime.
Petrel Pterodroma madeira (1,1 MB)
Cory's Shearwater Calonectris
diomedea borealis (647 KB)
Pigoen Columba trocaz (229 KB)
Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla heineken
(430 KB)
Madeira Firecrest Regulus
madeirensis – call (374 KB)
Madeira Firecrest Regulus
madeirensis – alarm (168 KB)
Madeira Firecrest Regulus
madeirensis – juvenile (734 KB)
Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs
maderensis – song (566 KB)
Chaffinch Fringilla
coelebs maderensis – call (370 KB)
Note that you
find excellent sounds of Bulwer's Petrel, Madeiran Storm-petrel, Cory's
and Little Shearwater on the Selvagens
All sounds above are
selected (and with copyright) by Leo Boon from his two video guides ('Birds
of the Macaronesian Islands'); 'Canary Islands and Madeira' and 'Azores
and the Cape Verde Islands'. You will find further information and excellent
photos on his web site www.cursorius.com