An adult Spotted Sandpiper
in summer plumage photographed at Lugar de Baixo on 29-30th April
2007. One of the birds seen since last fall? Photo: David
Uit de Weerd, Netherlands. |
Most probably the very same
individual, which has been present at Lugar de Baixo since October
2006. This photo is dated 21st February 2007. Photo: Romano
da Costa, UK. |
1st winter at Lugar de Baixo
seen on four occasions between 29th January and 4th February 2007.
Most probably one of those from last fall, which has been present
at the site. Photo: Nick
Crouch, UK |
A 1st cal year seen for an
hour along with a Common Sandpiper at Lugar de Baixo on 4th October
2006. Most probably not the same bird seen at the pond on 24th September.
8th record for Madeira. Photos: Stefan
Masur, Germany. |
First winter in Funchal Harbour
on 29-31st December 2005. 6th record for Madeira. Photos: Seppo
Niiranen, Finland. |
Spotted Sandpiper at Machico
on 4 September 2002. British and French birders had independently
found the bird at Machico on 27 August and it remained until 6th September.This
was the third record for Madeira. Photos: Erik
Sanders, Netherlands. |