Niklas on board the nice boat Ventura do
Mar off Madeira.
Photo: Bister,
Sweden. |
The motivation for building
this web site was the lack of a comprehensive source concerning "When
and Were to go birding on Madeira", with current information. In year
2000 and onwards I received many email and phone calls from birders all
over Europe, asking questions such as "Where is the best seawatching
spot?", "Where should I watch from at the actual site?",
"Is it necessary to pre-book hotel room in Porto Moniz and if so, do
you have any recomendations with seawatching possibilitys at a reasonable
price?", "How can I get in contact with the boat that goes to
Desertas?" and so on. I'm happy to answer (try, I would say) all the
questions that find their way to me from curious birders. However, I soon
realised that a well built and regularly updated website would help most
birders when preparing a trip to Madeira, and also inspire many more to
visit this beautiful archipelago. Its my hope that many birders will find
this web site useful and that each user (after their trip) will provide
additional information and bird sightings, which would aid travellers in
the future. This is a independent and non-commercial website and it will
rely upon visitors to make it as useful and updated as possible. Don't forget
to give back, what you once have been given. Good luck!
Niklas Holmström, Sweden
This web site would not have been as useful as it is today, without great
and kind help from the following birders: Stephen Addinall, Gary Allport,
Filipe Alves, Catarina Alves, Rubén Barone Tosco, Leo Boon, Tom
Brereton, Derek Charles, Tony Clarke, Luis Dias, Neil Donaghy, Göran
Ekström, Gonçalo Elias, Isabel Fagundes, Steve Gantlett, Hugh
Harrop, João Nunes, Keith Regan, Erik Sanders, Bryan Thomas, Russel
Wynn and Frank Zino, who have provided additional and valuable information
as well as comments on the text! And, of course, every one of you (too
many to mention, but not forgotten!) that have submitted trip reports
and sightings to this website over the years!
At last but not least,
all the photographers deserve a thousand thanks! Without their kind help
the website would have been far less useful and attractive.
Here you find a list of all photographers
(including their e-mail and website addresses and the numbers of photos
to the Main page»